Entries Due: In-Person Artwork Drop Off at Minnetrista October 8 & 9; 10 a.m.– 5 p.m
Opening Reception: Opening Reception & Awards Ceremony at Anderson Museum of Art November 3; 5–8 p.m.
Exhibition Dates: November 4, 2023 – January 7. 2024
Since 2001, Open Space: Art About the Land, an annual art competition and exhibition, has encouraged Indiana artists to derive creative inspiration from the land and recognized new artistic creations that celebrate the notion of “open space” as it relates to the land.
Reimagined this year as an “art trail,” this exhibition will be opened simultaneously as two sister exhibitions across East Central Indiana: at Minnetrista Museum & Gardens and the Anderson Museum of Art. Developed by the two museums in partnership with Red-tail Land Conservancy, a portion of the event’s proceeds will benefit Red-tail’s work to preserve and restore vital wildlife habitats and natural beauty.