Annual Exhibitions
We host both juried exhibitions throughout the year in which individual artists may enter and awards given. Figures of Speech, Intertwined, and IN-Focus are developed and run by the AMOA; Open Space: Art About the Land is held in partnership with Red-tail Land Conservancy and Minnetrista Museum & Gardens; the Art Alliance of Madison County show and the Madison County Student show are developed and run by the Art Alliance of Madison County and are exhibited in our galleries. We are open to hosting other juried art shows. To read more about these exhibitions and to download a prospectus, please follow this link to our Call For Art page.
To Have a One-Person or Small Group Exhibition
Individual artists or small groups of artists are shown periodically. Usually we have our exhibition schedule booked several years in advanced. To be considered for an exhibition, please submit:
- A portfolio of your work via sharing your website or images
- A cover letter including contact information
- An artist’s statement
- Resume/Vitae
All exhibition materials should be sent to:; subject line – exhibition proposal
A committee meets once or twice a year to review materials for possible inclusion in the exhibition schedule. The timing of these meetings vary. Please be patient in expecting a reply.
Thematic Exhibitions
We encourage ideas for small groups or themed exhibitions. Should you have an idea for a show please send it to us through one of the methods above.