2 times 5 Bats (1-13)
Portfolio of 11 prints in a cardboard portfolio and one original sketch.
1979.23.1.1 - Cardboard cover with attached print on the front. Set of 11 mixed media prints and one original graphite drawing. Front reads "edition / Hansjorg Mayer / Stuttgart London / + / Dieter Roth's Valey / Stuttgart / 1978" in a oval on the left. "10 / original / prints / in an edition / of 100, / signed + / numbered" in an oval on the right. "Dieter / Roth: / 2 times 5 BATS / Assistant: Vera Roth" written in a circle in the center. There are two figures holding the center object with above writing. "Nr. 68" in a green circle on the bottom left. Signed in pencil.
1979.23.1.2 - Graphite drawing of three figures facing the center. The center figure is feminine with arms outstretched above the other figures. The other two are facing one another and have some shading around the face. They are each holding a flag that says 'bats!". Signed BRC, 19" x 25"
1979.23.1.3 - Multilayered top being held on each side by the side view of two people, the left outlined in green and shaded in red, the right outlined in red and shaded in green. The top reads "Dieter / Roth / 2 x 5 Bats / 2 x 5 Bats". Colored in green and red. Signed "Rot Grun" at the bottom left and signed in graphite on the right "68 Dieter Roth 78". "Titel" written in the top right corner. 19.75 x 13.75
1979.23.1.4 - In the center is a green top figure made with utensils for hands and a gas mask look to the face. At the bottom, coming in from the right, is an arm holding the top with white cuff and green sleeve. There are some red markings throughout mostly highlighting edges. Signed BLC "Dieter Roth 78" in graphite. 68/100, 19.75 x 13.75
1979.22.1.5 - Another green top in the center, however this one is much thinner, gets slightly larger at the bottom with a circular area near the top. The same white cuffed arm is coming in from the bottom right to hold the top. Red is used again to highlight some edges/areas. Signed in pencil BLC "Dieter Roth 78". 68/100, 19.75 x 13.75
1979.22.1.6 - Split into two sections, the right side is mostly green with a light sketching in yellow of the image to the left. The image to the left looks vaguely like a fire hydrant with a domed top and circular areas around the center. A face appears below the domed area on the left. There is writing and sketches in red throughout the whole print. Signed at bottom center in graphite "Dieter Roth 78". 68/100,19.75 x 13.75
1979.22.1.7 - Vertical green shape in the center that tapers in the center and had a white base. The white cuffed arm is again coming from the bottom right to hold the shape. There is a red curved line at the bottom and one that begins at the bottom left of the center shape and wanders up the left side of the page. There are other red lines and details across the shape. Signed BLC in graphite "Dieter Roth 78" 68/100, 19.75 x 13.75
1979.22.1.8 - Page is split into two. The left side is red with a yellow figure/top sketch. The sketch is repeated on the right, in green, larger, and with some more detail. There is a handing holding both tops/figures coming from the left at the bottom. There is an "A" and a "1" straddling the top center. Signed at bottom center "Dieter Roth 78" 68/100, 19.75 x 13.75
1979.22.1.9 - Split in to two side the left side is a sketch of an object in red and green. It has a fan like appearance at the top with circular fan like shape. There is a sphere shape just below it. The right side is red with a yellow and some green drawing of a figure facing the object to the left. This figure has two large green circles at the shoulder and a large rounded stomach. Signed in graphite at the bottom center "Dieter Roth 78" 68/100, 19.75 x 13.75
1979.22.1.10 - Vertical green shape in the center. There is a hat shaped object at the top and a face like shape below it. It is being held at the bottom by the white cuffed arm coming in from the right. Red lines are used to outline the shape. Signed in graphite BLC "Dieter Roth 78" 68/100, 19.75 x 13.75
1979.22.1.11 - Split into two the left side has a red vertical shape that has a bowl like top and circular bottom. A face comes though just below the top bowl shape. It is shaded in green and red. The right side is green with a yellow, simplistic sketch of the shape to the left. Signed in graphite at the bottom center "Dieter Roth 78" 68/100, 19.75 x 13.75
1979.22.1.12 - Green vertical shape that has a spherical shape on the top with a rounded plate that is seen again near the bottom. The white cuffed arm is coming in from the right holding the shape at the bottom. There are very few red markings, most around the top round shape. Signed in graphite BLC "Dieter Roth 78" 68/100, 19.75 x 13.75
1979.22.1.13 - Split into two. The left side has a red shape that is round at the top with a plate shape below, leading to a thin but wavy pole, another plate shape, and finally a hand coming in from the left to hold the bottom of the object. The right side is green with a yellow sketch mostly of a circular shape. Signed in graphite BLC "Dieter Roth 78" 68/100, 19.75 x 13.75
Ackerman Foundation
Gift of Donald Thal (through the Martin S. Ackerman Foundation)
Dieter Roth
20th Century
20-1/4 in
14-1/4 in
19" x 25" original drawing, 19.75" x 13.75" prints