Untitled (Hunting Dog)
Watercolor of a fall hunting scene. THere is a black and white hunting dog in the center of the foreground. He is facing to the viewer's right with his tail straight out and his front leg up in a hunting dog pose. A hunter with his rifle can be seen in the background walking up a path. In the foreground to the left is a gray fence post. The ground is painted in reds and yellows while the background and trees are mostly in shades of black, white, and dark greens. There is an early morning, foggy feel to the painting. It is signed Don Autin in white in the bottom right corner. Don has also created a brown line frame around the image. This is covered up in the actual framing.
Painting on Paper
Gift of Elizabeth Epply
Don Austin
20th Century
13 in
18-3/4 in
15.25" x 21.25" Paper, 20.25" x 26.25" Framed